Cadeirydd Eric Smith

Gwanwyn 2018

Croeso cynnes i Daflen Newyddion Gwanwyn y Grŵp Hanes a gobeithio y cewch rywbeth ynddo a fydd o ddiddordeb i chi.

Er y tywydd garw a gafwyd ar ddechrau’r flwyddyn ni amharwyd ar frwdfrydedd aelodau’r Grŵp Hanes oherwydd cawsom nifer fawr yn ein cyfarfodydd yn Ionawr, Chwefror a Mawrth.

Yng nghyfarfod cyntaf y flwyddyn, daeth Morgan Burgess atom i roi hanes am y Normaniaid yng Ngogledd Cymru a’r perthynas rhyngddynt a Thywysogion Gwynedd, Deheubarth a Phowys.

Morgan Burgess

Yna, yn Chwefror, cynhaliwyd ein ‘Pigion Hanes’ blynyddol. Dyma’r cyfle i aelodau unigol o’r Grŵp dod ymlaen i roi sgwrs ar fater sydd o ddiddordeb arbennig iddynt hwy. Bu hwn yn boblogaidd iawn ers iddo ymddangos gyntaf rai blynyddoedd yn ôl, ac nid oedd cyflwyniadau eleni’n wahanol.

Y gyntaf i ddod ymlaen oedd Adrian i son am gasglwyr perlysiau Deganwy a’r defnydd a wnaed o’r perlysiau fel meddyginiaethau a rhwymau i’r cleifion a anafwyd yn y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf.

Yna daeth Elan Rivers ymlaen i son am hanes dair cenhedlaeth o Zac Brierley, teulu a hanodd o Rochdale, ond a wnaeth cryn gyfraniad i fywyd yn Llandudno wedi iddynt symud i’r ardal.

Brierley Garage

Yn drydedd daeth Vicky Macdonald ymlaen i roi hanes am y Pit Ceiliogod yng Nghonwy a leolir y tu ôl i Fwyty Alfredo yn y dref.

Ym mis Mawrth, daeth Jane Kenney, Uwch Archeolegydd gydag Ymddiriedolaeth Archeolegol Gwynedd, atom i roi hanes am gyfraniad Gogledd Cymru, trwy’r Ffrynt Gartref, i’r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf. Cyfeiriodd Jane at ei chysylltiad â phrosiect CADW i lenwi’r bylchau yn y wybodaeth archeolegol am safleoedd milwrol yr ardal yn y cyfnod hwnnw.

RMS Aquitania

Wrth edrych yn ôl ar y tymor a aeth heibio rhaid tynnu sylw unwaith eto at y sgyrsiau ardderchog a gawsom. Rydym mor ffodus ein bod yn gallu denu pobl mor wybodus atom i siarad am destunau mor ddiddorol a chyffrous.

Rhaid cyfeirio hefyd at lwyddiant ein harddangosfa yn Swyddfa’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol, Cyffordd Llandudno o 22 Ionawr hyd at 2 Chwefror 2018.

Bu Kevin a’i dim yn parhau gyda’r gwaith o gynnal a chadw Ffynnon Santes Fair yn Llanrhos. Rydym yn awyddus iawn i gadw’r safle yn daclus ac os hoffech fod yn rhan o dîm Kevin bydd yn falch iawn i glywed gennych.

Mae gennym raglen amrywiol a llawn a ddiddorol ar eich cyfer am weddill 2018 ac mae’r Tîm sy’n gyfrifol am baratoi’r Rhaglen eisoes wedi dechrau ar y gwaith ar gyfer 2019. Os oes gennych unrhyw syniadau am siaradwyr yr hoffech i ni wahodd i’n cyfarfodydd, byddem yn falch i glywed gennych.

Y siaradwyr gwadd am weddill tymor y gwanwyn a’r haf yw fel a ganlyn:

Ebrill 19 – ‘Yn ôl traed y Llengoedd Rhufeinig gyda Terry James

Mai 17 – Effaith Rheilffordd Ffestiniog ar Ddiwydiant Llechi’r Ardal gyda Chris Jones

Mehefin 21 – Taith Gerdded i ymweld â Cheginau Perlog Deganwy a pherlau eraill gydag Elan Rivers ac Adrian Hughes.

DYDD SADWRN, Gorffennaf 21 – Ymweld â Chytiau Crwn Ynys Mon ag Oriel Mon, Llangefni gyda Dave Chapman

Dim cyfarfod ym mis Awst

Mae digwyddiadau eraill yn cynnwys i) taith i Ironbridge Swydd Amwythig, dydd MERCHER 16 Mai: a ii) bod yn rhan o Ddiwrnod Prom Deganwy ar 2 Mehefin.

Gobeithio bod y fwydlen uchod yn ddigon blasus i’ch denu i ymuno a’r Grŵp a’i weithgareddau.

Gyda’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn dod i Sir Gonwy yn Awst 2019, i’w leoli yn Llanrwst, mae’r Grŵp Hanes yn cefnogi’r ymgyrch leol i godi arian tuag at y digwyddiad trwy gynnal raffl ym mhob cyfarfod. Mae’n fraint o’r fwyaf i gael yr Eisteddfod i ddod i’n bro a byddwn yn eich annog i fod yn rhan o’r digwyddiad hanesyddol hwn.

Fe wnaed cais i’r Cyngor Sir i enwi’r llwybr, sy’n destun llyfr y diweddar Betty Mills, ‘Flowers on a Path’, yn Llwybr Betty / Betty’s Path, ac yn dilyn ymgynghoriad gyda’r Cyngor Tref, fe gymeradwywyd hyn. Mae hyn yn deyrnged arbennig i Betty a’i diweddar gwr Maurice, a fu’n rhan o gynhyrchiad y llyfr. Ar hyn o bryd mae’r llyfr ar werth am bris gostyngedig o £2 am un copi, £3 am ddau gopi neu £5 am dri chopi, felly manteisiwch ar y fargen yma. Anrheg wych i’ch cyfeillion a’ch teulu. Bydd yr holl incwm yn mynd i goffrau’r Grŵp Hanes.

Wrth derfynu, anfonwn ein dymuniadau gorau at ein holl aelodau.

Ebrill 2018

Chairman Eric Smith

Spring 2018

A warm welcome to the History Group’s Spring Newsletter, hoping that you will find something that will be of interest to you.

In spite of the inclement weather at the beginning of the year, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of members of the History Group with high attendances at our meetings in January, February and March.

Morgan Burgess came to address us at our first meeting about the Normans in North Wales and the relationship between them and the Princes of Gwynedd, Deheubarth and Powys.

Anglo Norman kings

Then in February we held our annual ‘Snippets of History’. This is where individual Group members give a presentation on a subject in which they are particularly interested. This has been very popular since it was first introduced some years ago and this year was no different.

First up was Adrian to talk about the herb collectors of Deganwy and the use that was made of herbs as medication and bandages for soldiers injured in the First World War.

Next up was Elan Rivers to talk about 3 generations of Zac Brierley, a family that hailed from Rochdale but who made a considerable contribution to life in Llandudno when they moved to the area.

Vicky Macdonald then gave us the history of the Conwy Cockpit, located behind Alfredo’s Restaurtant in the town.

In March, Jane Kenney, Senior Archaeologist with the Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, came to give us a talk about North Wales’ contribution, through the Home Front, to the First World War effort. Jane referred to her involvement with the CADW project to fill the gaps in the archeological knowledge of military sites in the area at that time.


Looking back at the season just gone, mention should be made once again about the excellent talks we’ve had. We are so lucky to be able to attract speakers who are so knowledgeable to talk about such interesting topics.

Mention should also be made of our successful exhibition at the National Assembly Building, Llandudno Junction from 22 January until 2 February 2018.

Kevin and his band of workers have continued with the work of maintaining St Mary’s Well at Llanrhos. We are most anxious to keep the site in a tidy condition, so if you would like to be part of Kevin’s team, he’d be glad to hear from you.

We have an interesting and full and varied programme for you for the remainder of 2018 and the Team responsible for preparing the Programme has already started on their work for 2019. If you have any suggestions for guest speakers we could invite to our meetings, we’d be glad to hear from you.

The guest speakers for the remainder of the spring and summer term will be as follows:

April 19 – In the footsteps of the Roman Legions – Terry James

Mai/May 17 May 17 – Influence of the Ffestiniog Railway on the Local Slate Industry – Chris Jones.

June 21 – An evening walk to visit Deganwy Pearl Kitchens and other gems with Elan Rivers and Adrian Hughes.

SATURDAY, July 21st – A visit to see the Anglesey Round Huts and Oriel Mon, Llangefni with Dave Chapman.

No meetings in August.

Other probable events include i) a visit to Ironbridge, Shropshire on WEDNESDAY May 16 and ii) involvement with Deganwy Prom Day on June 2nd.

We hope that the above menu is tasty enough to entice you to join the Group and its activities.

With the National Eisteddfod coming to Conwy County in August 2019, to be located in Llanrwst, the History Group is supporting the fund raising campaign by holding a raffle at each of our meetings. It is a highly significant honour to have the Eisteddfod to come to our area and we would encourage you to be part of this historic event.

We have submitted a request to the County Council for the footpath, which is the subject of the late Betty Mills’ book ‘Flowers on a Path’, to be named Llwybr Betty / Betty’s Path, and following a consultation with the Town Council, this has been approved. This is a fitting tribute to Betty and her late husband Maurice, who was also involved in producing the book. At the present time, the book is on sale at a reduced price of £2 for one copy, £3 for 2 copies or £5 for 3 copies, so take advantage of this bargain. This is an ideal gift for your friends and family. Income from the sale of the book goes to the History Group funds.

Flowers On A Path – Betty Mills

In conclusion, we send our best wishes to all our members.

April 2018

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