Cadeirydd – Y Cynghorydd Jason Weyman

2011 Hydref 

Rhif 6 

CROESO i rifyn yr hydref o Daflen Newyddion Grŵp Hanes Deganwy.

I ble’r aeth yr haf? Mae amser yn mynd mor gyflym! Yn sicr, o ran y Grŵp Hanes, mae llawer wedi digwydd ers ein Taflen Newyddion diwethaf yn y gwanwyn.

Cynhaliwyd ein Harddangosfa Flynyddol ym mis Ebrill a ddenodd nifer fawr o ymwelwyr, ac o ganlyniad cawsom lawer o wybodaeth werthfawr am y pentref.


Digwyddiad arall lle casglwyd llawer o wybodaeth ddefnyddiol oedd Diwrnod Prom Deganwy.

Yn Ebrill aethom ar Wibdaith i Ynys Môn i ymweld â Chastell Aberlleiniog lle cawsom hanes manwl am y safle gan Leah Williams o Fenter Môn. Yna aethom ymlaen i Archifdy Caernarfon lle dangoswyd i ni llawer o ddogfennau a chreiriau hanesyddol. O ddiddordeb arbennig oedd y gwaith adfer hen ddogfennau a wneir yn yr archifdy.

Yn ein cyfarfodydd nosweithiol cawsom sgwrs ddiddorol gan Mr Richard Clammer ar Stemars Trefriw. Mae Richard yn awyddus iawn am wybodaeth am y ‘Jubilee’ a fu ar yr afon o 1908 tan 1912. Os wyddoch chi rywbeth amdani neu ei pherchennog H C Edwards o Swyddfa Bost Tywyn byddwn yn falch i glywed gennych.

Cawsom sgwrs ddiddorol iawn gan Mr Philip Evans ar darddiad enwau strydoedd.

Ar nosweithiau tesog yr haf fe’n gwelwyd unwaith eto yn crwydro i fannau o ddiddordeb; yn gyntaf aethom i ymweld â Llanrhos lle cawsom hanes Eglwys St Hilary, ymwelwyd â Ffynnon Santes Fair a therfynwyd trwy ymweld â Hen Ysgol Llanrhos sy’n cael ei hadnewyddu ar hyn o bryd.

Ar yr ail daith ymwelwyd â Chastell Deganwy i weld y gwelliannau a wnaed ar y safle gan CADW.

Y prif ddigwyddiad y buom yn ymwneud ag o yn ystod yr haf oedd ‘Gwarchae, Gwaed a Gwae’, digwyddiad a noddwyd gan CADW a Chyngor Archaeoleg Brydeinig fel rhan o Ŵyl Archaeoleg Brydeinig. Nid oedd mor waedlyd ac y swniai. Diwrnod i’r teulu oedd hwn gyda gweithgareddau yn cynnwys gwylio cyflwyniadau ar faes y gad, ymweld â gwersyll y gwarchae a dysgu am y dulliau hanesyddol o ymladd, hanesion Tywysogion Gwynedd, teithiau tywys o amgylch gweddillion y castell, blasu teisennau blasus canoloesol a llawer o agweddau diddorol eraill o rôl y castell yn hanes canoloesol Cymru. Roedd gan y Grŵp Hanes stondin yn y babell fawr, lle y denwyd llawer o ymwelwyr ac mae ein diolch yn mynd i CADW ac yn arbennig i Adele Thackray am ei gwaith gwych yn trefnu’r digwyddiad.



O ganlyniad i’w sgwrs i’r Grŵp yn gynharach yn y flwyddyn, mae Mr Nigel Bannerman wedi dechrau gyda’i Grŵp Diddordeb Arbennig sy’n ymchwilio i hanes Penrhyn y Creuddyn. Ar nos Iau 29ain Medi, ar drai’r llanw, rydym yn gobeithio weld, yn agos iawn, gweddillion y coredau pysgod yn aber Afon Conwy.

Digwyddiadau eraill ar y gweill yw sgyrsiau gan Mr Shaun Evans ar Archif Mostyn ym mis Medi, Hynodion Hynafiaethol gan Steffan ab Owain yn Hydref a Lein Llandudno gan Mr Larry Davies yn Nhachwedd.

Byddem hefyd, fel arfer, yn cynnal ein Diwrnod Agored y Nadolig – gyda mins peis! Bydd ein Gwibdaith nesaf ar 21ain Medi yn mynd a ni i Gastell Ewlo ac yna ymlaen i Archifdy Sir y Fflint ym Mhenaralag lle cedwir llawer o Archif Mostyn. Mae angen enwau mor fuan ag sy’n bosibl am fod lle cyfyngedig ar y bws –pris £15. Fel Grŵp, buom yn ffodus iawn o gael hawliau Mrs Betty Mills i’w llyfr ‘Flowers on a Path’ ond yn fwy na hyn, derbyniwyd benthyciad nid ansylweddol gan un o’n haelodau fel y gallem gyhoeddi’r llyfr. Rydym yn awyddus i addalu’r benthyciad hwn mor fuan ag sy’n bosibl. Rydym felly yn eich annog i brynu copi o’r llyfr hyfryd hwn sy’n disgrifio’r blodau gwyllt sy’n tyfu ar ochr Llwybr y Fardre o Park Drive i Eglwys yr Holl Saint. Er mwyn hybu gwerthiant y llyfr, mae’r Pwyllgor wedi penderfynu ar y cynigion anhygoel canlynol: £5 am 1 llyfr; £7.50 am 2 lyfr; £10 am 3 llyfr. Bydd hwn yn ychwanegiad gwych i’ch silff lyfrau, a gyda’r Nadolig ar y gorwel rydym wedi datrys y broblem o anrhegion Nadolig i’ch teulu a’ch ffrindiau.

Mae aelodaeth y Grŵp yn parhau i dyfu sy’n dangos maint y diddordeb sydd yn ein gweithgareddau. Rydym unwaith eto yn pwysleisio gymaint yr hoffem weld pob aelod yn cymryd rhan weithredol yn rhedeg y Grŵp. Dywedwch wrthym am unrhyw newidiadau yr hoffech eu gweld ac unrhyw weithgareddau y dylai’r Grŵp cymryd diddordeb ynddynt.

Os hoffech ymgymryd ag unrhyw rôl e.e. y wasg, cyhoeddusrwydd, y llyfrgell a.y.b. fe hoffem glywed gennych. Rydym yn arbennig o awyddus i gofnodi atgofion pobl am Ddeganwy ac mae gennym yr offer recordio angenrheidiol ar gyfer hyn os oes gan unrhyw un diddordeb.

Hydref 2011

Chairman – Councillor Jason Weyman  

Autumn 2011

No. 6

WELCOME to the autumn edition of the History of Deganwy Group Newsletter.

Where did summer go? Time goes so quickly! Certainly as far as the History Group is concerned much has happened since our last Newsletter in the spring. In April, our Annual Exhibition attracted a large number of visitors, as a result of which we acquired much valuable information about the village. Another event where we gathered much useful information was at Deganwy Prom Day.

Prom Day

Prom Day


In April our Field Trip saw us off to Anglesey to visit Castell Aberlleiniog where we were given a detailed history of the site by Leah Williams of Menter Môn. From there we went to Caernarfon Archives where we were shown many ancient documents and artefacts. Of particular interest was the document restoration work being done at the Archives.

11 Y Grwp

At our evening meetings we had an interesting talk by Mr Richard Clammer on the Trefriw Steamers. Richard is researching the history of the ‘Jubilee’ which was in service from 1908 to 1912. If you have information about the boat and her owner H C Edwards of Tywyn Post Office, we would be glad to hear from you. Another very enjoyable talk was given by Mr Philip Evans on the derivation of street names.

The long summer evenings saw us once more set out on walks to places of interest; the first was a visit to Llanrhos where we were given a history of St Hilary’s Church, visited St Mary’s Well and finished off by visiting Llanrhos Old School which is being restored at the present time. The second evening visit was to Castell Deganwy to view the improvement works undertaken by CADW.

The big event with which we were involved this summer was the ‘Siege, Bloodshed and Destruction’ event, sponsored by CADW and the Council for British Archaeology and staged as part of the Festival of British Archaeology. It was not as gory as it sounds. It was a family day staged at the castle site with activities which included a mock up of a siege encampment, tales of the Princes of Gwynedd, guided tours of the castle remains, a taste of medieval culinary delicacies, a demonstration of the arts and armaments of ancient warfare and many other interesting aspects of the castle’s role in Welsh medieval history. The History Group had a stall in the marquee where we once again attracted many visitors and our thanks go to CADW and in particular to Adele Thackray for her superb organising of the event.

As a result of his talk to the Group earlier in the year, Mr Nigel Bannerman has started with his Special Interest Group on the Creuddyn Peninsula. A special event has been arranged for Thursday evening the 29th September, at low tide, when we will hopefully view at close hand the remains of the fishing weirs at the River Conwy estuary. Other upcoming events are evening talks by Mr Shaun Evans on the Mostyn Archive in September, Archaeological Curiosities by Steffan ab Owain in October and the Llandudno Branch Line by Mr Larry Davies in November.

We will also, as usual, be holding our Christmas Open Day – with mince pies! Our next Field Trip will be on 21st September when we will visit Ewloe Castle and onwards to Flintshire Archives at Hawarden where much of the Mostyn Archive is stored. Names are required as soon as possible as numbers are limited –price £15 As a Group, we have been very fortunate to have been given the rights to Mrs Betty Mills’ book ‘Flowers on a Path’ but more than this, we have received a more than generous loan from one of our members to have the book published. We are anxious to repay this loan as soon as possible. We would therefore encourage you to buy a copy of this delightful publication that describes the wild flowers growing alongside the Vardre Path from Park Drive to All Saints Church. In order to promote the sale of the book, the Committee has agreed the following exceptional offers; £5 for 1 book; £7.50 for 2 books; £10 for 3 books. It would be an ideal addition to your book collection and with Christmas on the horizon we have solved your Christmas gift problem for family and friends. Membership of the Group has continued to grow which shows how much interest there is in our activities. We would again like to stress how much we would like to see every member becoming actively involved in the running of the Group. Please let us know of any changes you would like to see and of any other activities with which you feel the Group could become involved. If you are interested in taking on a role e.g. press, publicity, library etc. we would be glad to hear from you. We are particularly keen to record people’s reminiscences of Deganwy and we have the necessary recording equipment if anybody is interested.

Autumn 2011

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