Croeso i rifyn diweddaraf o Daflen Newyddion Grŵp Hanes Deganwy.
Cynhaliwyd ein Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol yn Ionawr ac ar wahân i ymddiswyddiad Pat, fe ail-etholwyd y Pwyllgor yn gyfan gwbl. Rydym yn hynod o ddiolchgar i Pat am ei chyfraniad I weithgareddau’r Grŵp mewn gwahanol agweddau ers ei sefydlu yn 2009 ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen at ei chroesawu yn ôl pan fydd ei hamgylchiadau yn caniatáu.
Ar y llaw arall, fodd bynnag, rydym yn falch iawn o gael croesawu Kaye i’r Pwyllgor ac yn diolch iddi am ‘wirfoddoli’ am y swydd o Drysorydd. Pob lwc Kaye a diolch.
Unwaith eto, bu’r Grŵp yn brysur iawn gyda’i gweithgareddau ers y Diwrnod Agored a ynhaliwyd cyn y Nadolig. Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i Fiona a’i thîm o weithwyr am ddigwyddiad mor Ers hynny, cafwyd sgyrsiau difyr iawn gan (i) Mrs Elan Rivers ar hanes y Fonesig Henrietta Augusta Mostyn ar ganmlwyddiant ei arwolaeth;
(ii) Capten John Lowe am hanes ei daid, y Comander Harold Lowe, oedd yn 5ed swyddog ar y Titanic; (iii) Mr Jonathan Wilkins ar ddaeareg Deganwy a’r Creuddyn. Mae’r sgyrsiau hyn yn adlewyrchu’n dda iawn y croestoriad o ddiddordebau sydd gan aelodau’r Grŵp Hanes.
Digwyddiad y flwyddyn hyd yn hyn yn ddiamau oedd dadorchuddio’r gofeb ar y tŷ yn 1 Marine Crescent, sef cartref y Comander Lowe wedi iddo ymddeol. Cawsom dipyn go lew o gyhoeddusrwydd cenedlaethol i’r achlysur. Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i Gapten John Lowe, am ganiatáu i ni gael gosod y plac ar ei dŷ er cof am ei daid, i Mr Arfon Haines Davies Cawsom dipyn go lew o gyhoeddusrwydd cenedlaethol i’r achlysur. Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i Gapten John Lowe, am ganiatáu i ni gael gosod y plac ar ei dŷ er cof am ei daid, i Mr Arfon Haines Davies am ddadorchuddio’r plac, i Glwb Hwylio Conway a Chymdeithas y Trigolion am y lluniaeth hael a baratowyd ar yr adeg, ond yn bennaf rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i John Griffiths am ei holl waith yn gwneud y trefniadau manwl ar gyfer yr achlysur ac am ddod a’r digwyddiad i ddiweddglo mor
Digwyddiad arall o bwys oedd darganfod plac i gofio am blant Ysgol Woodlands a fu farw yn y ddau ryfel byd. Nid oes sicrwydd hyd yn hyn beth sydd am ddigwydd i’r plac hwn, ond dymuniad y Grŵp yw iddo gael ei gyflwyno i Eglwys yr Holl Saint i fynd gyda’r Cwpan Cymun o’r Ysgol sydd yn yr Eglwys.
Mae Gwyn yn parhau gyda’i gwaith ymchwil i’r Avro Anson a ddaeth i lawr yng Nghoedwig Marl ym 1944. Cewch glywed am faint ei waith ymchwil pan fydd yn rhoi sgwrs ar y testun yn ddiweddarach yn y flwyddyn ond digon i ddweud ei fod wedi canfod enwau’r pump a laddwyd ac wedi cysylltu â pherthnasau rhai ohonynt. Llongyfarchiadau i ti Gwyn.
Mae Elan a Stuart wedi gwneud cais ar ein rhan am grant loteri i brynu offer ayb er budd y Grŵp a chewch wybod yn y fan am ganlyniad y cais.
Un peth sy’n achosi pryder i ni yw dyfodol y Caban Signalau yn Neganwy. Rydym yn gobeithio daw canlyniad boddhaol yn dilyn trafodaethau gyda’r perchnogion. Y digwyddiad arall o bwys yw’r Cinio Blynyddol sydd i’w gynnal yng Ngwesty Cei Deganwy ar 20fed Mai am 12 o’r gloch. Ein siaradwraig gwadd bydd Frances Lynch ac fe geir adloniant gan Ensemble Conwy. Y pris mynediad yw £20. Yn anffodus, oherwydd gymaint o ymrwymiadau eraill, rydym wedi grfod dileu gwibdaith y gwanwyn eleni ond rydym yn gobeithio y gallwn gynnal gwibdaith yr hydref. Rhaid cyfeirio hefyd at y newidiadau canlynol i raglen y flwyddyn –
(i) Bydd y daith gerdded ym Mehefin yn cael ei gynnal ar 28ain a (ii) Bydd y daith gerdded ar 19eg Gorffennaf yn cael ei gynnal yn y rynhawn. Bu Stuart a’i dîm yn gweithio’n galed iawn i baratoi ar gyfer Arddangosfa’r Gwanwyn ac rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn iddynt am yr holl ymdrechion ac yn sicr y bydd yn ddigwyddiad llwyddiannus dros ben. Mwynhewch yr arddangosfa a diolch i bawb a fu’n gyfrifol am gyfrannu Cofiwch i gysylltu ag unrhyw aelod o’r Pwyllgor os ydych am wneud gwaith ymchwil arbenigol fel y gallem fod o help i chi. Dymuniadau gorau a mwynhewch yr haf.
Welcome to the latest edition of the History of Deganwy Group Newsletter.
Our Annual General Meeting was held in January and apart from the resignation of Pat, the Committee was re-elected in full.
We are extremely grateful to Pat for her contribution to the various aspects of the Group’s activities since it was set up in 2009 and we look forward to welcoming her back into the fold when her circumstances allow.
On the other hand, however, we are very glad to welcome Kaye on to the Committee and would thank her for ‘volunteering’ for
the post of Treasurer. Best of luck Kaye, and many thanks.
Once again the Group has been very busy with its activities since our Christmas Open Day. We are very grateful to Fiona
and her team for putting on such a successful event.
Since then, we have had very interesting talks by (i) Mrs Elan Rivers on the history of Lady Henrietta Augusta Mostyn at the centenary of her death;
(ii) Captain John Lowe about the history of his grandfather, Commander Harold Lowe, who was the 5th
officer on Titanic; (iii) Mr Jonathan Wilkins on the geology of Deganwy and the Creuddyn.
These talks reflect very well the cross-section of interests of the members of the History Group.
The event of the year so far was undoubtedly the unveiling of the plaque on the house at 1 Marine Crescent, where Commander Lowe set up home following his retirement. We received a fair amount of national publicity for the event. We are very grateful to Captain John Lowe for allowing us to place the plaque on his house in memory of his grandfather, to Mr Arfon Haines Davies for unveiling the plaque, to Conway Yacht Club and the Residents Association for the refreshments which were so generously provided, but chiefly our thanks go to John Griffiths for all his detailed work in preparation for the event and for bringing it to such a successful conclusion.
Another important event was the discovery of a plaque to commemorate the pupils of Woodlands School who died in both world wars. There is no certainty so far as to what is to happen to this plaque but the Group’s wish is that it be presented to All Saints Church to go with the School’s Communion Chalice which is held in the Church.
Gwyn continues with his research into the tragic accident in 1944. You will hear more on the extent of his research work when he gives
a talk on the subject later in the year but suffice it to say that he has discovered the names of the five who died and has made
contact with some of the relatives.
Congratulations Gwyn
Elan and Stuart have made a lottery grant application on our behalf for equipment etc for the benefit of the Group and you
will be informed in due course as to the outcome of the application.
One matter which is causing concern is the future of Deganwy Signal Box.
We hope that discussions with the owners will bring about a satisfactory conclusion.
The other important event is the Annual Luncheon at Deganwy Quay Hotel on Sunday 20th May at 12 noon. Our guest speaker will be Mrs Frances Lynch and entertainment will be provided by the Conwy Ensemble. Admission is £20 Unfortunately, because of so many other
commitments, it has been necessary to cancel our spring field trip this year but we hope to proceed with the autumn trip.
We should refer to the following changes to the 2012 programme – (i) The June walk will take place on the 28th and ii) The walk on the 19th July will be an afternoon walk Stuart and his team have been working very hard to prepare for the Spring Exhibition and we are very grateful to them for all their efforts and we are certain that it will be an overwhelming success.
Enjoy the exhibition and thanks to those who have contributed items.
Please remember to contact a Committee member if you wish to undertake a particular line of research so that we can offer assistance
Best wishes and enjoy the summer.
Grwp Hanes Deganwy History Group
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